6 Responses to National Dog Day is Something to Howl About

  1. Irv Oslin says:

    Happy to say that the Ashland County Dog Shelter has been no-kill because of the efforts of some very dedicated women who conduct regular adoption events — No Paws Left Behind — in conjunction with local businesses. This gets dogs out of the shelter and interacting with the public. It helps that these women are masters at playing on the heartstrings of sympathetic journalists. Not that I would know any personally or would have been taken in by such tactics.


  2. Pingback: DDB Celebrates National Dog Day with FREE Kindle Books and More! | Of Dogs and Chains and the Intersection of the Two

  3. ratgirl says:

    What a fantastic way to celebrate National Dog Day. Thank you so much for getting these books out into so many hands (and heads!) I’m very excited to read them, myself. It’s such a generous gift to your supporters, I’m off to your donation page to send a little “thank you” to Dogs Deserve Better for giving away Kindle copies of all these amazing books!


  4. nancy5vic says:

    Unrelated question…back to dog treats. If it just says “manufactured in the US not “made in the US” what does this mean????


  5. nancy5vic says:

    So, for precisely that reason, I started to make my own treats for awhile. But, because they are “all natural” with no preservatives, they mold within a week. Poor Cooper! I spring for the treats to help clean his teeth by “Indiginous” or “Greenies”, but that’s about it. Seems to me the best treat is a bit of table food! (assuming it’s actually real food! haha)


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